Sunday, 21 June 2015

Why I wrote "NSA Wormhole Secrets"

I have always thought of traveling back through time to the medieval era somewhere in Europe. If I were to meet these ancient people, I would feel compelled to slowly educate them into a modern and scientific culture.
Should I write a sci-fi novel on this theme? Only one problem: My writing style is to lean more towards a scientific basis as much as possible. So far science has not even an initial theory on whether time travel is possible.
So in my mind, I knew that to travel to a place where an ancient culture still exists, it would have to be on a planet where some of our medieval people would have been transported to.
Hence, travel through a wormhole/portal (Einstein/Rosen theory) would get the protagonist there.
You'll have to read the book to find out what happens next.
Hint: He makes major discoveries about other intelligent life around the galaxy.

NSA Wormhole Secrets

Tuesday, 1 October 2013


SHORT STORIES FROM: 50,000 A.D. The Awakening - Henry Matthews from the 21st century wakes up 50,000 years later.


Princess Pamalia, member of the imperial household from Tulosama of the Great Empreorium Empire, was a royal personage of very high stature in the overall scheme of things. She was eighth in line to the throne and was deeply loyal to both her uncle the Emperor and the Empire. Today was one of those days were her rank was called upon to deal with another person of ‘Royal Blood’. She was a bit apprehensive about the upcoming meeting with the ‘Queen’. She was on her way to the dock that was to receive the Queen’s cruiser. The first discomfort was that the title of Queen had a higher rank than the title of Princess. But since the Princess was from the Empreorium -- who ruled over the Queen’s realm -- she actually had a higher rank than the Queen, a bit of a quagmire.
The current problem was handling Henry’s fame around the galaxy and in particular the Queen’s home world Quinitesselo.
The Princess arrived at the Station dock near the VIP area reserved for people of high rank. The dock manager motioned for her to approach the door of the Queen’s cruiser. She stood at the correct position as per protocol with two of her assistants.
An android was heard to say, “Queen Meir deGraqua”. The door of the vessel opened and a very pretty and young looking Queen emerged.
“How are you Pamalia,” said the Queen.
“I am fine. It’s so nice to meet with you again after such a long time.” Their last meeting was about 75 years ago when the Queen was a young princess and had visited the capital of the Empreorium for the first time. She still looked young.
Later in the Princess’ apartment, they sat down in comfortable chairs near a beautiful coffee table and had refreshments. The Queen told the Princess a rather long story that ended with her being betrothed to Henry. If it did not happen, there was a prophecy that foretold a disastrous turn of events for her home planet. It said that the star would go ‘supernova’ and devastate the complete star system.
The Princess fought strongly to prevent her eyes from rolling over in her head. She had heard all kinds of prophecies involving the Ancient One’s arrival for the last two years, but this one is the first supernova: how to handle it?
One way would be with sarcasm, humor, and ridicule. That would be her favorite way, but it would sour relations with this star system’s government for years to come. Another way would be to counter balance other ‘galactic prophecies’ against the Queen’s version that was completely opposed to it. Therefore, you could make the claim that both can’t be true so maybe both are wrong.
As the meeting continued, the Princess gradually realized the Queen was desperate to meet with Henry. She knew Henry would co-operate and probably use a few cold reading techniques to get rid of her. So she decided to play hard-ball and use a few mind tricks of her own.
“My dear,” the Princess put on her most sympathetic look, “Henry is already engaged to be married and is living with his fiancée.”
“If you like, I can set-up a meeting, but I know Henry will have a condition. If he finds out you consider him your future husband, he will insist his fiancée attend all meetings with both you and him. He is so deeply in love with her he does not want to indicate any impropriety towards her.”
The Queen sat there speechless with her mouth slightly open. After several seconds of silence, the Princess continued as she poured herself another cup.
“I know this might be a bit hard to take, but you’re not the first one to consider yourself his fiancée. We had an incident last month with the Grand Impalate’s daughter who also wanted to marry him. So far, there have been seven declarations of Henry’s engagement to important women around the galaxy in the past several months. Would you like to think about this my dear?”
“Well yes, I can see your point.”
As Princess Pamalia stood up, she had a empathetic smile on her face as a way of kindly saying, this meeting is over get away from my face.
Later on that same day, she heard the Queen had left the Station. Who knows if she’ll ever be heard from again. She wouldn’t bet against it though.

Here is a video of the characters

Friday, 1 March 2013


SHORT STORIES FROM: 50,000 A.D. The Awakening - Henry Matthews from the 21st century wakes up 50,000 years later.


Today was a big day; the first official workday for all of Henry’s new employees including Trinisha. Fortunately, there was enough furniture to have a relatively comfortable meeting. Detric recommended a scan be done to search for any disagreeable spy-nanobots or other unwanted technology. That simple little action indicated to Henry that at least someone was on the ball and possibly loyal to his business (or possibly trying to appear that way -- one never knew).
They all eventually sat down at a table, and Henry explained what his business goals were, the standards of employment, legal rights, and what freedoms they would have.
“You can quit your employment here anytime you want, just have the courtesy of letting me know two weeks ahead of time, and if I want to terminate any of you, I will also give you two weeks’ notice or pay in lieu of notice.”
In short, all the standards and expectations of common business practices in early 21st century Canada would be applied in operating the business when it was legal to do so.
Next, the group was told to assemble all the technology they would require for the translation and documentation process in these new offices, but first they had to break for lunch.
Just before everyone got back to work, Nervi delivered the grand piano he had been building for Henry. Not a mechanical version, but a unit with android technology that could duplicate any sound Henry desired including harpsichord and clavichord.
Henry had already designated a special room to put it in, a place to entertaining clients and guests.
“Well, are you going to play something?” said Nervi.
“Sure . . . here is some music that was composed at about the time these first versions of keyboard instruments were invented. It’s by a person named Bach.”
As the room filled with music, everyone present listened with awe. Just before Henry finished that particular piece, the Princess walked in and listened with fascination. When Henry finished, she was the first one to applaud.
“Wow, I didn’t realize you were that good. That sounded pretty difficult.”
“It’s a little secret I’ve developed over many years. I actually play easy pieces that only sound difficult.” This of course was the usual Henry humor, and brought the usual chuckles from the princess. Question after question came, so Henry decided to give a little concert with everyone there that also included little lectures on the development of music from the baroque period, into classical, romantic, impressionistic, and modern music and threw in some ragtime at the end for good measure. He played music from the great composers he was familiar with when he was a serious music student, Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, Debussy, and Rachmaninoff.
All in all it was a memorable and fascinating first day at the office for everyone present.
The next day, Henry asked his new employees for advice on a translation process they would be comfortable and productive with since they were all experienced multi-linguists. He expected them to learn English quickly, which they did. Almost everyone had mastered the basics within a few days. The only difficult thing remaining was the cultural translation. Henry was going to be the key coordinator in that area.
“The first priority in dealing with this laptop computer is to extract the information out of it such as the Wikipedia encyclopedia. If you can get it to work later on that would be a bonus, but for the most part you might be able to figure out how all these applications operate without even using this computer. I’m assuming your androidian technology will be able to handle these goals without any problems,” and so started the meeting.
Henry drew a block diagram of the computer and described the basic concepts of digital technology, nibbles, bytes, words, double words, and so on. He described how the data was located in a thing called a hard-drive, and he thought it was stored in a magnetic format but wasn’t entirely sure since the last time he had read about this sort of thing was 20 years ago before the asteroid event.
“Do you know anything about the coding?” someone asked.
Henry explained to them that text data was most likely coded in ASCII, and they should also search for a directory with files ending in ‘.bmp’, ‘.jpg’ and other extensions that have different meanings. He wasn’t sure about other types of coding and data formats except for basic binary. He certainly couldn’t tell them much about compression. His whole explanation on how a computer worked lasted about 30 minutes and when questions were asked, he couldn’t answer the majority of them.
Nervi was optimistic, “If the data on that hard drive is magnetic, and it hasn’t been wiped out, then I don’t see any problem extracting it. We’ll send in a swarm of nanobots that can detect even the tiniest of magnetic fields and can even tell if a magnetic field previously existed. When they’re finished, they will report back exactly where everything is and provide us with a complete map of the hard drive that can be copied without too much trouble.”
Henry's attitude, “Wow!”
“The next step is a bit more difficult. It has to do with decoding what we are able to retrieve. You’ll have to help us with this Henry. You mentioned that with this ASCII coding you’ll be able to identify text, and there may be formatting characters imbedded in the text?”
“Yes that’s right.”
Nervi continued, “That’s where most of the work will be done: processing the data over and over again until you can identify either pertinent data or visual information, and as time progresses it will be easier and easier as we become more familiar with the data formats.”
Henry also expressed his thoughts on a translation method and what problems could occur and was only too pleased to receive advice from his new employees.
The next thing Henry acted on was acquiring a contract with the ‘Alternate World’ 3D display Co. to replicate what life was like back in Henry’s time. His initial assessment of this project indicated it was going to be a full-time job, so he allocated the task to Justi.
He sat down with Justi and told him he wanted to recreate the neighborhood where he used to live on ancient Earth. Justi would have to study all the pictures of his house (both inside and outside) and neighborhood, and then handle the complex details in transforming it into an ‘Alternate World’ 3D display. There was also a political motivation for doing this first. It was to inform people how secular Henry’s ancient life-style had been as early as possible.
As this project progressed, he would examine it from time to time, making adjustments, and then ‘Alternate World’ would release it to the public. Justi loved the project and felt fortunate to get it. After that was completed, the next project would be to work on the great historic architecture all over ancient Earth.
Once these initial meetings and discussions were done, everyone went to work on their respective assignments. Henry and Trinisha conferred to setup a series of lectures that he planned to promote to any institution who sought to have him as a guest lecturer. He had already signed up with Lucharza’s ‘University of the Station’ and was preparing to give his first lecture in about a week on the same topics of the first meetings with the Awakening Project staff.

Thursday, 28 February 2013


SHORT STORIES FROM: 50,000 A.D. The Awakening - Henry Matthews from the 21st century wakes up 50,000 years later.


“Today we have a special interview with Marania Dutres, a former translator for Henry Matthews, who is currently a touring pianist playing ancient music from Mr. Matthews' past. I understand you will be playing later this evening at the Embrias concert hall with a special symphony orchestra that resembles the types Mr. Matthews would have heard back in his ancient time.”
“Yes that’s right. I am especially grateful to be playing this music for the first time in Tulosama. We are all looking forward to this evening.”
“Could you please tell us how you got started playing the piano, and what led you to this change in your career?”
“I first met Henry back at the Manjorian Station about five years ago, just after he was awakened. It was in the lab area when Leo, one of the engineers who was on the restoration board, was showing him around. Later Henry spotted a piacha and starting telling Leo about the ancient piano. Later, they agreed to build one as an extract project for Nervi the Lab engineer. I was already playing the piacha for years and years by then and when I saw this piano, I was totally captivated by it. Eventually, I built up the courage to ask to play it and after I got used to it, there were many advantages over the piacha. Everything was a lot easier when you had to play difficult music. The reason for this is that the keys are half the distance of the piacha and all octaves have the same color key. But it was only easy to a point. The ancient music written for the piano takes its technicalities into account and is extremely difficult to play.”
“The thing that startled me was when I first heard Henry play it; it sent shivers down my spine. The music he played was absolutely beautiful, and I was intrigued by his incredible virtuosity. Most of that music would be difficult or impossible to play on the piacha.”
“As I learned the piano, with help from Henry himself, I was able to confirm that playing ancient Earth music was much more difficult than I had thought it would be. They had proceeded to develop such an incredible music and piano culture in their world that great composers evolved who could compose music that was both extremely difficult and absolutely beautiful.”
“When I first started playing, I thought I could master this instrument in a few weeks, but Henry kept reminding me that if I wanted to go the highest level, it would take years of practice. At first, I thought maybe he doesn’t understand that I’m a C1 clone, and I can achieve objectives a little faster than average. Henry’s world didn’t have our cloning ‘traditions’, and I thought he didn’t understand this. But as the piano lessons continued it became clear he was right. Henry is a piano virtuoso as well, and it took about five years or so before I got up to his level.”
“What music did he play when you first heard him?”
“The first piece of music he played was when Nervi, the engineer who was also a good piacha musician himself, turned out the first iteration of the ancient piano. It had no pedals, so Henry played music from a period of time called the baroque era when they didn’t have these pedals. It was the Italian concerto by Johann Sebastian Bach. It was a fascinating piece. I didn’t know Henry very well then, so I was off to the side in the lab doing some work when he played this for Nervi. At that point, I was totally smitten. I wanted to learn to play this instrument.”
“Next time I heard him play was when I was an employee for his company, and on the first day we all showed up for work at his office. Nervi delivered the final version of what they call a grand piano. The only difference between this one and the ancient ones, is that the best pianos in his time were purely mechanical, and the one Nervi had designed had android technology. It wasn’t practical at the time for Nervi to come up with a mechanical version since they were usually hand-built and that technology wasn’t in our possession. Princess Pamalia showed up to hear him play, so Henry sat at the piano and played for everybody there. He started out with the same Bach piece and went into a brief explanation of the evolution of music over a few hundred years before his birth. The next piece was one by Chopin. It was an incredibly passionate piece set at a fast tempo called the Fantasy Impromptu.”
“He played more pieces by Chopin, Rachmaninov, Mozart, Liszt and Beethoven. He also played some ragtime and jazz. I just sat there off to the side and enjoyed the whole experience immensely. Later on, I got the courage to ask him to show me how to play the instrument, and he gave me permission to play it during off hours. The rest is history.”

Monday, 10 December 2012

50,000 A.D. The Awakening

What happens when a person from the 21st century wakes up 50,000 years in the future?

You might say that Henry Matthews is the luckiest man in the universe. By pure chance, his head along with all his thoughts and memories were protected and preserved,  allowing him to stay alive for 50,000 years.
·      What does this future hold?
·      Total peace?
·      Long life?.
·      Enlightened Democracy?
...or something else.

50,000 years in the future,
Henry Matthews is ready to begin an adventure of great discovery.

What does this future think of him?
Since their own ancient record of human existence only goes back 35,000 years, trillions of people are now waiting to discover this lost history when Henry awakens.
However, some refuse to believe human history is older than 35,000 years, so that could only mean one thing. Henry Matthews must be something other than a human being.
…but what?